Hi! I'm the wife/ mama/ teacher/ small business owner of the crew. My platform in life is to encourage you to love your coach through it. Love him through the packed schedules, late nights of missing dinner, and Sunday meetings. You can be the supportive wife. You can be the mama with the baby on her hip cooking a meal. You can be the teacher running on entirely too much caffeine, but loving every minute of your career. You can open that business and have that creative outlet. You can do it. I will cheer for you! It will NOT be easy.... it'll be real life.

Coach Brandon Cain married to Carley Cain

Coach is the GOAT. He is writing a book on how to be 100% in all of life's greatest callings. He is currently winning at all of them.

carley cain coachs wife

Coach's biggest fan. The first born child. The only human on Earth that has caused Coach to miss a Friday night game when she was born the night of the first football game of the season.

carley cain blog

The baby. The son. The reason why I get 24,534 steps on a Friday night.

carley cain blog

The Weim behind the nightly Weim Walks.