
When I started this corner of the field I knew it was on my heart to have a place to share thoughts and life. I spent 2023 looking and searching for my purpose. When Coach and I started dating, I knew we were living his dreams with this coaching life. He tells people many times that I married a Coach. We go where he is called. It has just always worked. Until my heart needed to find purpose. I am ABSOLUTELY positive I was made to be a Coach’s Wife. I am ABSOLUTELY positive I was made to be Calla and Cart’s mama. I am ABSOLUTELY positive I was made to be a teacher. It is the last one that I had to make sure. So I started praying about it. Then social media made it clear.

I am ABSOLUTELY positive I was made to be a Coach’s Wife Mama Teacher.

Friends, social media is FULL of teachers complaining. It is no secret that we are in a teacher shortage. So many people have so many thoughts and ideas. But I am here to be the opposite. My purpose is to build up the public school system and I will pray about that purpose daily. When I was asked this summer what I wanted to do for education, I said this: “I want everyone to know how amazing it is. If they don’t think that, I want to convince them.”

When I see people talking about wanting to stay at home with their families, I want to support them in that. If that is their purpose. Here is what is on my heart: if that is EVERYONE’s purpose, who will love the children that go through public schools? Who will love and teach and pour into MY children? Be the public school you want your children to be a part of… if that is your purpose. If not, that is OK! But if it is…. THAT IS OK, TOO!

Let’s be friends. Let’s pray about fulfilling the purpose we are meant to fulfill. Let’s work together to use our gifts and talents like never before. Let’s be the classrooms everyone wants to be in. Let’s change it. Let’s find our purpose and OWN it.

This weekend I hard this: your purpose is what you can get lost doing. You lose all sense of time. You could do it daily. All I know is this: I can be Coach Cain’s wife and support him daily and it never gets old. I do need a break and go on Weim walks when I need a break, but I can be his wife forever. I can be Calla and Cart’s mama every single day and it is my absolute favorite. Sometimes I need a mama moment and just need to sit in the car in silence to not hear “mama!” but I can truly be their mama forever. I can teach 5th graders about reading, talking, and just life every single day. Sure, I need a Monday off. I love summer breaks and all the breaks between, but after the breaks…. I am ready to see them. This is how I KNOW this is my purpose. I am convinced it is OK to have a purpose as a Wife Mama Teacher and all while wearing some CCTM pants. Don’t let the negativity change your heart. Use your talents.

I just pray that it is yours, but if it isn’t. THAT IS OK. I PRAY your find yours.


How We Fight


Thankful For This Chapter