Things I Would Never Do As A Coach’s Wife

It’s here. Really, really here. Games are on Fridays. Practices are long. It’s here. The real stuff. I see so many posts in our support groups saying: I am a new wife, what is some advice you have for me? We are a new coaching family. Who has the good advice?

This is season #17 for me. Here are some things I have learned over the long seasons and short years in this game.

  1. I would never take advice from someone I wouldn’t switch places with.

    This is ALWAYS my #1 piece to share. I just wouldn’t.

  2. I would never text another coach on the staff without my husband IN the text.

    I actually don’t text ANY male coworker/friend/ coach without Coach Cain or their wife in the chat. Listen, I am friends with some of the coaches. I adore them. I pray for them. I actually have to ask macro/ whoop/ exercise questions quite frequently to one of our dearest coach friends. I know Coach Cain does not want to hear about my macros. However, he does in that text.

  3. I would never schedule anything on a Friday night.

    Even if the game is 200 miles away or I am not attending the game, I still wouldn’t schedule anything. I have set a pretty concrete foundation on that rule. Now it is just a known for us. People are not going to understand this, but that is OK.

  4. I would never make super heavy plans on the weekend while in season without FULL communication with Coach.

    Listen, if UGA is playing…. I can’t promise anything other than I promise we will be AT the game, or watching the game. If Coach makes plans for us…. cool. I am NOT. Football season is 16 weeks long and as a GA fan, we count on it being that extra 6 weeks from December to January. This leaves me 34 weekends to plan and plan and expect Coach to be there with the happiest of hearts. I will give him the 22 weekends.

    IF something does come up that I need to attend, I ALWAYS book the babysitter on my own. 90% of the time I can say, “I have this happening at this time. The sitter is arriving at this time.” He will usually say: “Oh, I will be home by then.” 17 seasons has taught me to NOT assume he will be home at a given time. I won’t sit and stress about being late. I just make arrangements and move on. I like to prepare for the least amount of disagreements and frustrating moments. I set us up for as few possibilities to be angry as possible.

  5. I won’t bash the coaching profession.

When you speak negatively and only complain about his job….. you are speaking negatively about what God made him to do. I feel like this has to be hard on a coach’s heart. I know that when I am trying my absolute best as a mother and giving my all… and someone has something bad to say about my children…. that HURTS. If I needed more time in my classroom and Coach complained about how long it took, I would start to feel huge guilt. If I need to spend some evenings on the computer working on small business things, and Coach complained about that… I would say, “HEY! Is all you do is complain?” Are we only complaining about his job? There is a fine line in a coach picking football OVER family necessities. I 20000% stand firm in my belief that family ALWAYS comes first. However, we are a football family. I don’t complain over the daily tasks. I also feel that this helps me when I DO have a concern, Coach knows it must be legit on my heart because he takes it seriously.

To be REAL LIFE: I have to check myself on this one daily. See, I am a type 3. I like for EVERY SINGLE minute to be as effective as possible. I DO NOT believe in time wasting. (Standing in line, traffic, down time, CAN’T.) So if I feel time is wasted, I start complaining. I have to watch this one.

I also won’t ever change up the Thursday dinner. Coach has to do that. I needed this to end at 5 and not 6. If we are winning, we don’t change the Thursday dinner. Even if I am sitting for an hour at Zaxbys. Again, less opportunities for anger in this house.

Praying you have a season full of wins! (Unless you play the Warhawks.)


I Had a Hard Time

